Image of the Month

Image of a whole mouse brain sample from SunJin Lab

226 images were taken at 20× magnification and then stitched together to form this full image. This sample shows blood vessels (green, Alexa Fluor 488), nuclei (orange, SYTOX Orange), and dopaminergic neurons (red, Alexa Fluor 647).

Click on the image to see the full annotated image showing the various regions of the mouse brain.

Acquired using Olympus FV3000 Inverted (#02-20) with the Olympus UPlanSApo 20×/0.75 lens

Taken by Melvin Wong (Bioimaging Facility)

Please submit your most stunning images to the Bioimaging group for the TLL Image of the Month

We welcome images/videos captured using any of the microscopies in TLL, including Stereoscope, Widefield, Confocal and SEM. Please include a brief description in your submission – at least with a title of the image and the microscope/lens used.

Featured submissions from users will win NTUC vouchers worth $40.